153 Nuevo Verde Company
Our Coral Propagation Programs
Our Coral Growth Accelerant Coated Blocks are easy to transport and can be economically deployed underwater, requiring only 2 to 3 persons per project. Once deployed underwater our coral blocks require no maintenance since they can withstand pollution, siltation, seawater acidification, etc. Moreover, its shape is aqua dynamic, it stays in place during underwater turbulence caused by weather disturbances.
We offer our Coral Growth Accelerant Coated Block to resorts, Island owners, and those who want to grow coral gardens on their beachfront. We also welcome foundations, local government, and Non-government organizations that are interested in coral reef rehabilitation.
Scientific methods of accelerating the growth of corals to outpace dramatic decline of coral reef health brought forth by the modern world.
To be able to rehabilitate coral reefs in the most economical process without requiring heavy machinery and efficiently deploy the coral blocks in a large scale project under a short period of time
To reach the corners of the world that requires coral reef rehabilitation.